Rusting on Paper
Tutor: Adele Outteridge
One Day Workshop
Rusting on paper is a dyeing process where paper is dyed or stained with lovely rust colours. Colours can range from the palest yellows, to oranges, browns and through to greys and almost black.
Two chemical reactions are used, dipping papers into solutions of tea, Ferrous sulphate and/or Caustic soda (Sodium hydroxide). Dramatically different results occur, depending on concentrations of solutions and the order in which papers are dipped, the type of paper used and how it has been sized. Coloured papers, prints or drawings may be used for additional effects. If there is time we may try another technique with iron objects and vinegar to give lovely rust stains.
We shall work with a variety of papers, keeping the sheet size small as this is more experimentation than producing final works.
A variety of different papers cut to about A4 or smaller, as the trays are quite small.
Watercolour and printmaking papers work well, as do oriental papers.
Prints and drawings work well.
Handmade or photocopy papers tend to disintegrate, so aren’t recommended.
A box of disposable rubber gloves
A disposable paint brush, bristle is good, 1-2cm wide
Old newspapers
Wear old clothes……rust stains cannot be removed.
Chemicals, trays and other equipment will be supplied.
To book your space or enquire about these classes more please call or email us, we would be happy to help. Phone: +61 7 3892 4570 E-mail: